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Descripcion de las excellencias de la muy insigne ciudad de Barcelona (Description of the wonders of the distinguished city of Barcelona), by Dionysio Hieronymo de Iorba. Facsimile edition of the book printed by Humberto Gotardo in 1589 in Barcelona, bound in leather stamped with irons inspirated in a 15th century Catalan model. Out of print.

Neruda Joven, II (Young Pablo Neruda, II). New edition, corrected and increased, of a selection of letters and poems written by the Nobel Prize Pablo Neruda to his teenage love Albertina Rosa Azócar, with facsimiles identical to the original manuscripts. Out of print.

Viaggio da Napoli a S. Giacomo de Galizia (Travel from Napoli to Santiago de Compostela), by Nicola Albani. Edited by María Isabel González Fernández. Italian manuscript, dated of the 18th century, illuminated with a series of original water paints, drawings and prints which enlive the author's pilgrimage from Geneve to Santiago de Compostela. This piece of work, partially bound in printed leather inspirated in an Italian model of the time, includes the exact facsimile of its 21 illuminations. Out of print.

Documentos para la historia de Madrid (Documents for the History of Madrid). Facsimile reproduction, strictly faithful, of the codex containing the fuero (law-code) granted to Madrid in 1202, under the reign of Alfonso VII, along with other 11 documents (privileges, certificates, orders…), dated of the 12th and 15th century, associated to the history of the capital of the Spanish Kingdom. Out of print.

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